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Your spouse asked for a divorce. What should you do?

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2024 | Divorce

Your spouse asking for a divorce may have come as a shock, or you may have seen one or two signs informing you that such a conversation is about to happen. So, what can you do? How do you prepare for future discussions?

Here is what to consider doing:

Don’t beg 

Chances are your spouse took time to be sure they want to dissolve the marriage before initiating the conversation. Therefore, begging them to stay may not work. In fact, it may push them even further away.

So, regardless of your view of the divorce, you need to move with confidence. Ask questions confidently and let your spouse know they can come to you with any concerns.

Not begging can significantly benefit you whether you want to save the marriage or agree a divorce is necessary.

Get support

If divorce is inevitable, it’s vital to get support. This could include going to therapy, spending more time with loved ones, reading self-improvement books and so on. Getting support ensures you are well-informed and have help once the divorce begins.

Stay busy

The emotions involved with accepting you are about to go through a divorce can be overwhelming. You don’t want to sit down for hours with thoughts running through your mind.

Instead, stay busy – engage in self-care activities (going for a walk, watching a movie or going to the spa, exercising or meditating), find new hobbies and make new friends.

Learn about divorce

Gather more information about the financial, legal, emotional, and social aspects of divorce to be prepared.

Many people don’t know how to respond when asked for a divorce. The above-discussed tips and legal guidance can help you make informed choices when your spouse tells you they want to end the marriage.